Nonmetallic Inorganic Materials

News & Events

Frank Filser Award 2008

Ben Seeber recieved the Frank Filser Award 2008. more

come togETHer - 20 years Nonmetallic Materials - 4.-6. September 2008

A symposium after 20 years of Ceramic Research and Technology at ETH Zürich. For more information please visit the Symposium Homepage

Please click here to visit the picture galleries or to download the talks of the symposium.

Frank Filser Award 2007

Philip N. Sturzenegger recieved the Frank Filser Award 2007. more

REHAU Preis Technik

Lorenz Bonderer was awarded the REHAU Technik Sonderpreis. more

Wei Lun Visiting Professorship

Prof. Ludwig J. Gauckler has been awarded the prestigious Wei Lun Visiting Professorship for 2007-2008. more

Spriggs Phase Equilibria Award

A. Nicholas Grundy, Ming Chen, Bengt Hallstedt and Ludwig J. Gauckler working on thermodynamic modelling of phase equilibria were awarded the "Spriggs Phase Equilibria Award" more

Article in Tagesanzeiger 15.02.2007 about our Micro Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Research

this article is available in German only. Get article

ICE 2007 Internatinal Conference on Electroceramics

please follow this link for more information

Bild der Wissenschaft article about micro solid oxide fuel cell

This article is available in German only. Get arcticle

Schoenbein medal

Our institute was awarded the "Christian-Friedrich-Schönbein-Medaille " at the 7th European Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Forum for our contribution to the development of solid oxide fuel cells. more

Young scientist award

Jennifer Rupp was awarded the "young scientist award" at Conference on Solid State Ionics. more

DMATL Trailer for the 150 years Celebration

Please find the trailer produced by our trainees communication department:

Trailer (200 mb, avi format)

AWARD for best bachelor or master thesis

Each year the best bachelor or master thesis carried out in the field of ceramics will be awarded 1000,- CHF by Nonmetallic Inorganics Materials.
The award was donated by Dr. Frank Filser who was honoured with the "International Ceramics Prize 2004" by the World Academy of Ceramics on May 10th, 2004 in Faenza, Italy.

Award of the World Academy of Ceramics

The World Academy of Ceramics announced to award Frank Filser the "International Ceramics Prize 2004". This prize recognizes his outstanding contribution to the practical application of bioceramics. For more information, please also refer to the departments success stories.


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