Nonmetallic Inorganic Materials


Peter Kocher and Henning Galinski


We try to leave you as much freedom in using the NonMetallic infrastructure as possible. For this to work we ask you to consider the following points:

In return we will do our best to offer you a good working environment as well as good support.


RFC 1855: Netiquette Guidelines (off-site)
Apart from the laws there are certain rules known as Netiquette which govern the life of the Internet People. Make sure you read this and act accordingly.

The Netiquette Homepage (off-site)
A whole website on "good behaviour" in the net.

Computer types


Software for office use:

Helpful links:

IDES elektronisches Bestellsystem für Software der Informatikdienste

Hardware requirements in general

Helpful Links:

Empfehlungen der ETH Zürich zur Beschaffung von Informatikmitteln

Empfehlung zur kabellosen Vernetzung "Wireless"

Empfehlung zun Programm "Ein-Notebook-pro-StudentIn"

Empfehlung von Herrn Denoth speziell zur Laptop Beschaffung mit Intel Prozessore und Windows Betriebssystem

Functions in a secretary office working environment

Functions in an PhD Doctorate office working environment

editing text documents, emailing, time mangement, data analysis


Wichtiger Hinweis:
Diese Website wird in älteren Versionen von Netscape ohne graphische Elemente dargestellt. Die Funktionalität der Website ist aber trotzdem gewährleistet. Wenn Sie diese Website regelmässig benutzen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, auf Ihrem Computer einen aktuellen Browser zu installieren. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf
folgender Seite.

Important Note:
The content in this site is accessible to any browser or Internet device, however, some graphics will display correctly only in the newer versions of Netscape. To get the most out of our site we suggest you upgrade to a newer browser.
More information

© 2019 ETH Zurich | Imprint | Disclaimer | 8 April 2008